Dabble in a rugged, timeless way of life that’s slowly vanishing in other parts of the world, but lives on at Winefred Lake Outfitters.
Winefred Lake Outfitters’ trapping experiences take place in mid-winter, allowing visitors to learn the ins and outs of wilderness trapping and furbearer management and harvesting, with Trapper Paul as a guide and hands-on teacher with over 30 thirty years of experience.

All-inclusive trapping adventure packages for out-of-country visitors:● 5-6 days of full-day guided trapping excursions. Guests discover what it takes to be a successful trapper in northern Alberta, learning Trapper Paul’s traditional Métis knowledge and respect for the land. Guests can keep one of each furbearer species harvested during their stay, if desired, with Trapper Paul taking care of all trophy preparation.
● Price: $4,500 USD (includes transportation to and from Winefred Lake Outfitters if required, accommodation at Winefred Lake Outfitters, meals, snowmobile or quad use, and trophy preparation).
Alberta and Canadian visitors, please call (780) 404-3822 or (780) 404-3213 or email to inquire about trapping experience options. Prices vary based on length of stay, amenities used, and other factors.

Ask about fur mittens and hats, made using high-quality furs harvested at Winefred Lake Outfitters. Prices range from $250-450, depending on the item and furs, and other items may be available so please inquire.